Wants to be Abducted!?

Dear AA,

I want to be abducted after reading this page. I want to be part of a gathering, I want a piece of metal in my nose. I know this sounds crazy, but I am wondering if you have any "tips" or anything, to make the chances of me getting abducted any greater. I would really like to encounter another species, another race. I'm getting bored of humans (OK, you can stop laughing). I want to talk to aliens and get technology now.

Why are these beings so shy? I wish they would just come down and communicate with us. But on the other hand, I think they are afraid because they think they'll get shot. I don't blame them. If they ever DO decide to come down and visit not so secretly, then I hope they come in peace.

I strongly believe that when we are united with aliens, money will have no use. They will provide us with technology that will reform the world, and money will have no purpose. I just hope I can meet an alien sometime in my life.

I had a lot of unexplained nose bleeds last summer continuing into winter, yet there was no metal in my nose, and I do not remember being abducted at all. The only light I ever remember was when I was in the car, and I saw a streak of white-blue light move very quickly across the sky. I have no idea of what it was, but I don't think it had anything to do with me.

I think my uncle was abducted and not returned. He always complained of strange dreams and unexplained lights outside his house. And one day, we went to visit him, he was gone. We called the night before to make sure it was OK to go over, and we found his house the next day with all his stuff, and the door was unlocked, and nothing changed for 2 weeks. We finally went back and took all his stuff and sold his house because he was obviously gone.

Well, I hope you respond, and maybe I can get some answers to these questions. Thanks. -- Andy

Dear Andy,

Encounter experiences happen to people whether they want them to or not, and most do not. So it should be relatively easy to find someone to trade places with you.

To make a guess as to why these beings are so shy, it is probably because as the largest predator on the face of the earth, killing off all other species on the planet including ourselves, we usually shoot first and talk later. Put yourself in their place. You'd be a little gun-shy too!

Hopefully your uncle didn't go on vacation without telling you. -- Editor